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February 15, 2009, 6:56 PM
eh, di sunes nemu personality test. 99,999999% mirip xDDDD namanya doubutsu uranai.
mine is:
You are Yellow Fawn, who tend to be idyllic, not pretentious, and seem to give an impression of a tomboy, and someone who hates to lose. Nevertheless, you are a woman with gentle heart and rather old fashioned ways of thinking. You enjoy having life with atmosphere, and shows consideration and care for others. But you can be very fussy about your preferences. You dislike anything that is dishonest, and have passion and cuteness. Your weakness is that you can be bit selfish at times. You are honest hard working person. Relationships that you feel safe tend to be restricted, and therefore, you are easily influenced by people and situation around you. You can not easily adapt to changes. You think high of morality. You are easily moved by tears, and are honest and sentimental sort of person. You tend to restrict your self with your cautiousness, and this may result in isolation. You tend to be difficult to get to know, and will require time to become friend with. Nevertheless, once your character is understood, you will be able to keep a long and steady friendship. If you keep doing favors for those people who always ask you, you may lose your good fortune. So, be careful. You are not a housewife type of person, but you can be dependent on your husband. FAWN Characteristics & Personality
1. Fawns are extremely cautious at first meeting 2. Fawns are full of curiosity 3. Fawns get selfish with their friends 4. Fawns want to be liked, so they try to please 5. Fawns are ill at ease if they can't confirm that someone likes them 6. Fawns are not good at bargaining 7. Fawns' sphere of activity are limited 8. Fawns are good teachers and cultivators 9. Fawns are dangerous when they lose control 10. Fawns watch out for food additives LOLZ xDDDD
akhirnya. rekor ga pernah telat seumur-umur ke sekolah pecah hari jumat kemarin. dan gue sama sekali ga nyangka itu bakal kejadian. jadi gini. kea pagi-pagi biasanya gue bangun mandi zeeeeeet selesai nunggu adek gue yang laknat sambil nonton berita. nah~ jam di laptop keanya masi 07:45an pas gue liat. jadi dengan santainya turun ke bawah trus berangkat ke sekolah. sampe di sekolah, turun dari mobil mau nyebrang. eh, malah sepi amet.
gue: nyah. jam berapa ni, karang ko masi sepi gini *nyebrang* masuk gerbang uda ada pak killer. eh, pak k*ller dan security yang gue lupa namanya. gue yang ga ngerasa kalo uda telat masuk ya jalan dengan santai aja dong. eh si bapak.
bapak: kamu *nunjuk gue suru kearah dia* gue: ha? *muka superdongok* dalem hati gue kira dipanggil gara" rambut yang ga pernah dikepang ke sekolah. bapak: kamu telat. gue: ha? jam berapa ini emang? *masi bingung* bapak: kamu terlambat, yang lain uda pada selesai sembahyang--umat hindunya gue: nyah, saya ga liat jam pak bapak: udah tulis nama kamu. yang keberapa kali ni? gue: baru satu kali pak. *nulis dibuku sambil ckikikan ga jelas* security: itu alasannya diisi gue: oh iya-iya. *nulis telat* security: telat apaan. *tanpa ekspresi* gue: iya". telat berangkat aja da *otak buntu* -selesai nulis- gue: uda pak, karang gimana? bapak: ya ke kelas. gue: *ngacir* dan ternyata hari jumat itu ga ada guru dari jam pertama. untung aja, kalo ga. pas gue telat trus si ibu ips uda ngajar trus gue harus berhadapan ama mukanya yang ga bisa diungkapkan dengan kata-kata sadisnya, entah mukzizat apa. pelajaran matik juga ga bakal ada guru. berarti tinggal seni aja, dan seperti minggu-minggu sebelumnya gue ama lisa--classmate--bolos lagi buat nonton anak-anak seni tari nge-dance di aula terbuka xDDDD dan intinya hari jumat gue ke sekolah cuman buat seneng-seneng aja. hahahahaha.
February 15, 2009, 6:56 PM
eh, di sunes nemu personality test. 99,999999% mirip xDDDD namanya doubutsu uranai.
mine is:
You are Yellow Fawn, who tend to be idyllic, not pretentious, and seem to give an impression of a tomboy, and someone who hates to lose. Nevertheless, you are a woman with gentle heart and rather old fashioned ways of thinking. You enjoy having life with atmosphere, and shows consideration and care for others. But you can be very fussy about your preferences. You dislike anything that is dishonest, and have passion and cuteness. Your weakness is that you can be bit selfish at times. You are honest hard working person. Relationships that you feel safe tend to be restricted, and therefore, you are easily influenced by people and situation around you. You can not easily adapt to changes. You think high of morality. You are easily moved by tears, and are honest and sentimental sort of person. You tend to restrict your self with your cautiousness, and this may result in isolation. You tend to be difficult to get to know, and will require time to become friend with. Nevertheless, once your character is understood, you will be able to keep a long and steady friendship. If you keep doing favors for those people who always ask you, you may lose your good fortune. So, be careful. You are not a housewife type of person, but you can be dependent on your husband. FAWN Characteristics & Personality
1. Fawns are extremely cautious at first meeting 2. Fawns are full of curiosity 3. Fawns get selfish with their friends 4. Fawns want to be liked, so they try to please 5. Fawns are ill at ease if they can't confirm that someone likes them 6. Fawns are not good at bargaining 7. Fawns' sphere of activity are limited 8. Fawns are good teachers and cultivators 9. Fawns are dangerous when they lose control 10. Fawns watch out for food additives LOLZ xDDDD
akhirnya. rekor ga pernah telat seumur-umur ke sekolah pecah hari jumat kemarin. dan gue sama sekali ga nyangka itu bakal kejadian. jadi gini. kea pagi-pagi biasanya gue bangun mandi zeeeeeet selesai nunggu adek gue yang laknat sambil nonton berita. nah~ jam di laptop keanya masi 07:45an pas gue liat. jadi dengan santainya turun ke bawah trus berangkat ke sekolah. sampe di sekolah, turun dari mobil mau nyebrang. eh, malah sepi amet.
gue: nyah. jam berapa ni, karang ko masi sepi gini *nyebrang* masuk gerbang uda ada pak killer. eh, pak k*ller dan security yang gue lupa namanya. gue yang ga ngerasa kalo uda telat masuk ya jalan dengan santai aja dong. eh si bapak.
bapak: kamu *nunjuk gue suru kearah dia* gue: ha? *muka superdongok* dalem hati gue kira dipanggil gara" rambut yang ga pernah dikepang ke sekolah. bapak: kamu telat. gue: ha? jam berapa ini emang? *masi bingung* bapak: kamu terlambat, yang lain uda pada selesai sembahyang--umat hindunya gue: nyah, saya ga liat jam pak bapak: udah tulis nama kamu. yang keberapa kali ni? gue: baru satu kali pak. *nulis dibuku sambil ckikikan ga jelas* security: itu alasannya diisi gue: oh iya-iya. *nulis telat* security: telat apaan. *tanpa ekspresi* gue: iya". telat berangkat aja da *otak buntu* -selesai nulis- gue: uda pak, karang gimana? bapak: ya ke kelas. gue: *ngacir* dan ternyata hari jumat itu ga ada guru dari jam pertama. untung aja, kalo ga. pas gue telat trus si ibu ips uda ngajar trus gue harus berhadapan ama mukanya yang ga bisa diungkapkan dengan kata-kata sadisnya, entah mukzizat apa. pelajaran matik juga ga bakal ada guru. berarti tinggal seni aja, dan seperti minggu-minggu sebelumnya gue ama lisa--classmate--bolos lagi buat nonton anak-anak seni tari nge-dance di aula terbuka xDDDD dan intinya hari jumat gue ke sekolah cuman buat seneng-seneng aja. hahahahaha.
Your mouth.
She is
Dina Oktarina
I'm bad but not the worst one. I'm funny but not the funniest one. I'm ugly but not the ugliest one.
I'm rich but not the richest one. I'm short but not the shortest one. I'm cold but not the coldest one.
I'm fussy but not the fussiest one. I'm dumb but not the dumbest one. I'm fine but not the finest one.
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